
(meteorobs) Leonid Trains & Magnitudes

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                  Leonid Trains and Magnitudes vs. Time
             Nov. 16/17 1996 - Mathias, West Virginia, USA

  6:55 - 7:55 UT    Average Magn.  0.9   % Trains  84%  of 31 Leonids
  7:55 - 8:55 UT        "    "     2.4   "   "     49%  "  35 Leonids
  8:55 - 9:55 UT        "    "     1.9   "   "     48%  "  49 Leonids
  9:55 -10:55 UT        "    "     2.1   "   "     50%  "  41 Leonids

Note: The first hour had the brightest Leonids and number of trains