
re: (meteorobs) Time

UT is Universal Time.
It is the time we use as a standard so we are all talking about the same 
time. For the Eastern Time zone add 5 hours... Right now it's 4:10 PM EST, 
(OR 1610 EST on the 24 hour clock) to get UT you add 5 hours. so it is 2110 
UT on the 21st of november.
At 8 oclock tonight (EST) it will be 2000 EST, add 5 hours= 2500. That 
means it is actually tomorrow UT.
So at 8PM tonight EST (The 21st) it will be 0100 (1AM) on the 22nd UT.
So just add 5 hours!
(In the summer when it's EDT it's only 4 hours, but lets worry about that 

Wayne Tv,
holding down the fort
Original Text
From: "Fuerst, Robert C. (Chris)" <FUEC0@towanda.sylvaniadot com>, on 11/21/96 
3:50 PM:
To: "meteor" <meteorobs@latradedot com>

     Could someone tell me how to translate Eastern Standard time to UT 
time?  Whatever that means?

                                   Chris 1st