
(meteorobs) Sleeeep...

Joseph -

I could have used your commentary the last couple nights ;)  - I have been
suffering from massive insomnia, something I have rarely ever had....  4.00 am
and I was climbing walls around here...

It is still cloudy.  Our freezing rain up here turned to snow, about 12 cm, and
now it is back to rain. Someone up here said that Ottawa has only received 8
hours of sunlight in December....  It is dreary, grey, and wet.  My guess is
that Christmas Eve, being full moon, is guaranteed to be clear.  Full moon is
always clear here.  Mind you, people are hoping for clear skies for the
occultation of Aldebaran on Sunday night...

Your comments on light treatment are interesting.  I have a book that I read
years ago - Health and Light, by John Ott, currently lent to a friend, that
covers the basics of that.  I did a project on circadian rhythms in school while
studying stats.   Ever since then, I've tried to surround myself with full
spectrum lighting.  Lack of light can really get you depressed...

My ideal "day" would be to stay up until 3.00 am, and sleep until noon.  I can't
do that when I'm working, although with being recently laid off my job :(  my
patterns are shifting to 2.00ish.  Coffee tends to be deadly too, shifting sleep
(and lack thereof) around.  

The guys I observe with tend to do the early evening nap routine, then go out
observing.  They have a tendency to crash about 3.00 or 4.00 though.  For me, I
find early evening naps are not the greatest.  I feel I get a late start, I'm
groggy, and my cold tolerance seems worse.  I find, for me, that I'm better off
observing till about midnight.  Midnight to 1.00 am is my deadly time - if I can
stay awake then, then I'm gung-ho until dawn.   If I find myself crashing at
midnight, I'll grab a nap - sitting up - in the warm-up trailer (lying down is
deadly).  I'll go out like a light ;) for 1.5 or 2 hours, and then I'm good 'til

- Cathy
  Great White North