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Subject:       (meteorobs) Ursids 1996

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----------------------  Original Message Follows  ----------------------Hi everyone,

Observational results.

Stream:   Ursids 1996
Observer: Marco Langbroek
Location: Voorschoten, the Netherlands
Latitude: 53d07m   Longitude: 4d28m


Date    Interval      T_eff   Lm    Urs  Com  xOri  Spo  Tot   ZHR(Urs)

20/21   04:00-05:54   1.65    6.3    1    3    0    33   37    1 +/- 0.6

21/22   04:30-06:15   1.43    6.3   13    2    2    28   45   12 +/- 3

Magnitude distribution:

Date    Str    1    2    3    4    5    6  

20/21   Urs         1
        Com              1    0    2
        Spo    2    3   10   10    8

21/22   Urs    1    2    2    6    2
        Com                   2
        xOri                  1    1
        Spo         2   15    7    4


Temparature: -4, windy
Light: some urban light pollution,
       very transparant skies,
Method: all meteors were plotted.
ZHR calculated with:
r = 3.4
gamma = 1.4
Cp = 1.2

We wish all of you a merry christmas!

Marco and Casper.
|     Casper ter Kuile, Akker 145, NL-3732 XD De Bilt, the Netherlands     |
|    Phone: (31)-30-2203170; Fax: (31)-30-2202695; GSM: (31)-6-54723974    |
|                         E-mail: pegasoft@cc.ruudot nl                       |
|         DMS-website: http://www.pidot net/~terkuile/meteors/dms.htm         |