
(meteorobs) Comet Hale-Bobb Locations

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Where to Find Comet Hale.Bopp
Date      R.A.(2000) Dec.     Mag.   Con5tellation
Jan. 15   19hQ2.4m -24025'    9.7    Sagittarius
Feb. 1    19h13.4m -23029'    9.5    Sagittarius
Feb. 15   19h22.0m -22041'    9.2    Sagittarius
Mar. 1    19h30.4m -21044'    8.9    Sagittar1us
Mar. 15   19h37.0m -20a48'    8.7    Sagittarius
Apr. 1    19h42.7m -19a37'    8.3    Sagittarius
Apr. 15   19h45.0m -18035'    8.0    Sagittarius
May 1     19h44.1 m -17021'   7.7    Sagittarius
May 15    19h39.5m -16012'    7.3    Sagittarius
June 1    19h28.6m -14044'    7.0    Sagittarius
June 15   19h14.9m -13026'    6.6    Sagittarius
July 1    15h54.7m -11053'    6.3    Scutum
July 15   18h34.7m -10029'    6.0    Scutum
Aug. 1    15h10.7m -5052'     5.7    Serpens Cauda
Aug. 15   17h53.7m -7042'     5.5    Ophiuchus
Sept. 1   17h38.9m -6a32'     5.4    Ophiuchus
Sept.15   17h31.9m -5046'     5.2    Ophiuchus
Oct. 1    
h29.6m -4059'      5.0    Ophiuchus
Oct. 15   17h32.0m -
017'     4.8    Ophiuchus
Nov. 1    17h39.8m -3018'     4.5    Ophiuchus
Nov. 15   17h49.5m -2014'     4.1    Ophiuchus
Dec. 1    18h04.1 m -0035'    3.7    Serpens Cauda
Dec. 15   18h19.7m 1024'      3.2    Ophiuchus
 Jan.      1   18h42.5m 4048'      2.6   Serpens Cauda
 Jan.     15   19h05.3m 5045'      1.9   Aquila
 Feb.      1   19h40.6m 15032'     0.9   Aquila
 Feb.     15   20h21.1 m 23023'    0.2   Vulpecula
 Mar.      1   21 h22.4m 33022'   -0.9   Cygnus
 Mar.     15   23h02.9m 43001'    -1.4   Andromeda
 Apr.      1   1 h48.4m 44029'    -1.7   Andromeda
 Apr.     15   3h31.9m 36032'     -1.5   Perseus
May        1   4h41.1 m 25055'    -0.5   Taurus
May       15   5h19.8m 17059'      0.2   Taurus
June       1   5h54.5m 10001'      1.2   Orion

  Along with the date, this tabie pPovides the comet's position in
right ascension and declination (epoch 2000.0), equivalent to longi-
tude and latitude on the sky. The magnitude is a measure of the
comeYs brightness: the faintest stars visible to the naked eye glow at
about magnitude 6, the brightest at about magnitude -1.5. The
brighter the comet gets, then, the smaller the number. The constella-
tion column shows in which star group the comet appears.

  Orbital Elements for Hale.Bopp

  Epoch March 13.0,1997

  Perihelion Time (7
            April 1.64155,1997
  Perihelion Distance (q)        0.9130230 AU
  Eccentricity (e)               0.9944413
  Argument of Perihelion (w) 
  Longitude of ascending node (S2)    282.47292o
  Inciination (r)                89.41422o