
Re: (meteorobs) Cooperation

> First a word about the AMS database.  I think this is one of AMS's greatest
> (untapped) assets, a veritable treasure trove of data available for
> analysis.  What AMS has going for it with this archive is this:


> -Status with the federal government as a Small Depository Archive
> -A permanent home in an academic institution
> -A written policy governing access
> -existing data going back over 100 years

Cataloguing the AMS database, and making the data available to meteor
researchers would be a most-welcome development.  It might be pooled
with the BAA archives too.  Amongst many possible projects we might
apply consistent reduction techniques (where the data permit) to
investigate the ZHRs of major showers over decades.

I'd certainly like to compare older telescopic data, such as those
of the Aquarid-Capricornid showers observed during the mid-1970s
analysed by Bill Gates, with more-recent data.  Earlier observations
would be even more fascinating, though they might be challenging to
reduce (plots to equatorial co-ordinates).

I wish you success in making the AMS database accessible.

