
(meteorobs) FAQ page available

The frequently-asked-question series of the WGN journal was compiled for the
world wide web. You can access the questions and aswers mainly about visual
meteor observations by

  http://www.imodot net/visual/faq.html

The following questions are aswered:
* I could hardly distinguish the Aquarids or the Taurids. How to
  note this on the observing form?
* Although I saw a lot of bright meteors during the night, I did
  not catch any on a photo. What did I do wrong?
* How bright does a fireball have to be to be classed
  as a fireball?
* How can I estimate the brightness of a fireball?
* Which is the best way to determine a reliable value
  for the limiting magnitude?
* About 25 per cent of the sky were covered
  by houses and trees. Does it affect the cloud factor?
* How do I correctly estimate the field correction factor?
* Which items are of particular importance to record
  when plotting meteors?
* How do I get the Atlas Brno 2000.0?
* How do I measure meteor coordinates on the Atlas Brno? The
  origin is ambiguous.
* How reliable is the velocity estimate in degrees per second?
* How to treat meteors which could not be associated with a meteor shower
* Can I send the data on a diskette, an how should they
  be stored on the disk?
* How should the observing fields be distributed over
  the sky when observing in a group?
Any comments are welcome.


Rainer Arlt -- Visual Commission Director
International Meteor Organization
Home page of IMO: http://www.imodot net