
Re: (meteorobs) [Fwd: Observation d'un bolide]

OK at last I can be useful in this list

> De : Lewis J. Gramer <dedalus@latrade.com>
> A : Meteor Observing Mailing List <meteorobs@latrade.com>
> Objet : (meteorobs) [Fwd: Observation d'un bolide]
> Date : vendredi 13 juin 1997 08:59
> [
>  The following appeared on sci.astro.amateur a little while ago. My
>  French is even rustier than my German! Can someone translate and/or
>  respond to the poster, asking him to submit his obs to FIDAC?
>  Clear skies!
>  Lew
> ]
> Thomas Vivet  <p9603@bigiup.univ-lemans.fr> wrote:
> > 
> > Cher astronomes,
> > 
> > Dans la nuit du 11 au 12 juin 1997, a Oh31 HL, soit a 22h31 TU,
> > j'ai observe, ce qu'il me semble etre un bolide.
> > Son eclat etait intermitent, blanc, bleute.
> > J'habite pres du Mans (48deg00 N, 0deg12 E), il s'est dirige droit
> > vers l'horizon sud. Il faudait donc des temoignages de personnes ayant
> > pu le voir, dans la region d'Angers, Tours, ou Poitiers, en estimant
> > qu'il se soit consumme a 50km d'altitude, pour avoir sa trajectoire.
> > Il a plonge vers l'horizon sud en ayant commence sa course vers 30deg.
> > 
> > Merci pour toutes reponses ou temoignages,
> > 
> >         Thomas
> > 
Here is a approximative translation:
Dear astronomers,
In the 11 to 12 June night, at 0:31 local time (22:31 UT), I observed
something which seemed to be a fireball. The brightness was intermittent
(variable ?), white, bluish.
I live near Le Mans (48d00N, 0d12E) and the fireball went right to the
south horizon. We need other observations around Angers, Tours or Poitiers
and estimating it burned out at an altitude of 50km, we may find its path.
It went straight to the southern horizon and began at around 30d (of
Thanks for any answer or observation.

I will send him an email so that he can forward me further information. I
will also ask for some info on the 2 french mailing lists I am on.

Clear skies

Jean-Christophe 'Papou' Millot : papou@canl.nc
from New Caledonia (22S, 166E)
Hale-Bopp Down Under : http://www.sponline.com/aca/hbduindx.htm