
Re: (meteorobs) IRC Chat

Just achieved a connection with the spelling of the server below.  How has
anyone been able to do any chatting all these weeks with the name misspelled???

Next step : how do you find chatroom "namn"?


>MAKE THAT "centurion.daldot net"! Note the "o" in "centurion"!!!
>Anyway, here's a hearty "Second!" to Mark's message! The #namn Internet
>"Chat Room" is a wonderful way for beginning observers to interact with and
>learn from each other, AND for the more advanced observers to share their
>knowledge and perspective... If anyone on the 'meteorobs' list is
>interested in attending this chat tonight, but you're not sure HOW, contact
>	dedalus@latrade.com
>today, and I'll do what I can to help you get set up. (Like you, Wayne! :>)
>Lew Gramer <dedalus@latrade.com>
>aka, owner-meteorobs@latrade.com
>At 07:01 PM 7/20/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Just a reminder to let everyone know we will be holding our next IRC chat
>>session at 8:00 PM EDT (0000 UT) on Monday, July 21st. This is a great way to
>>get together live and discuss meteor astronomy.
>>To participate, connect to the server:   Centurian.daldot net
>>Once there, JOIN the chat room #namn
>>I hope to see you there!
>>Mark Davis
Norman W. McLeod III
Visual Program Coordinator
American Meteor Society

Fort Myers, Florida