
(meteorobs) IMO-NEWS: Perseids report from Jordan

------- Forwarded Message
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 1997 17:03:50 +0300
From: Moh'd Odeh <odehjas@geocities.com>
Organization: Jordanian Astronomical Society (JAS)
To: imo-news@imodot net
Subject: Perseids report from Jordan

Dear Readers,
 I'm Moh'd Odeh from the Jordanian Astronomical Society (JAS), our
society held a camp between 10-13/8 to observe the Perseids meteor
shower. Attached is my reports, and later we will send the official
report and the  other observer's reports. 

Kind Regards
Mohammad Odeh
Jordanian Astronomical Society (JAS)


                  International Meteor Organization (IMO)


                   Visual Observing Form - Summary Report


Day:10-11 Month:08  Year:97_        Begin: 20_h46_m   End:01__h40_m

Location:  long. 37x06'35"E       latit. 31x43'05"N         h=550 m 

Site: Al-Azraq _________________________________   Country: JORDAN

Observer: Mohammad Odeh________________________   IMO code:odemo__

Showers considered:
| Shw |alpha|delta| Shw |alpha|delta| Shw  |alpha|delta| Shw  |alpha|delta|
|Per  |43   |58   |     |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
|     |     |     |     |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
| Period  |Field  |Teff| F | lm |Per |    | ___| ___| ___| ___| ___| ___|Spor|
|  (UT)   |RA  Dec|  h |   | m  |M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|
|2046-2218|   |   |1.52| 1 |6.05|c|21| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|31|
|2218-0024|   |   |1.93| 1 |6.53|c|23| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|36|
|0024-0140|   |   |1.25| 1 |6.10|c|22| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|22|

Magnitude data:

|Shower |Period|-7|-6|-5|-4|-3| -2| -1| 0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 |+6 
|per    |  1   |  |  |  |  |  |   |1  |2  |2   |5   |4   |5   |2   |   |  | 21  
|per    |  2   |  |  |  |  |1 |   |1  |   |    |3   |6   |8   |3   |   |  | 23  
|per    |  3   |  |  |  |  |1 |   |   |1  |4   |5   |7   |4   |    |   |  | 22  
|spor   | all  |  |  |  | 1|  |1  |   |   |    |9   |29  |28  |17  |   |  | 89  



                  International Meteor Organization (IMO)


                   Visual Observing Form - Summary Report


Day:11-12 Month:08  Year:97_        Begin: 20_h21_m   End:01__h35_m

Location:  long. 37x06'35"E       latit. 31x43'05"N         h=550 m 

Site: Al-Azraq _________________________________   Country: JORDAN

Observer: Mohammad Odeh________________________   IMO code:odemo__

Showers considered:
| Shw |alpha|delta| Shw |alpha|delta| Shw  |alpha|delta| Shw  |alpha|delta|
|Per  |44.8 |57.2 |     |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
|     |     |     |     |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
| Period  |Field  |Teff| F | lm |Per |    | ___| ___| ___| ___| ___| ___|Spor|
|  (UT)   |RA  Dec|  h |   | m  |M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|
|2021-2219|   |   |1.92| 1 |6.20|c|26| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|47|
|2219-2305|   |   |0.77| 1 |6.10|c|27| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|48|
|2305-2356|   |   |0.85| 1 |6.10|c|27| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|34|
|2356-0038|   |   |0.70| 1 |6.15|c|27| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|50|
|0038-0135|   |   |0.95| 1 |6.20|c|27| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|47|

Magnitude data:

|Shower |Period|-7|-6|-5|-4|-3| -2| -1| 0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 |+6 
|per    |  1   |  |  |  |  |1 |   |   |   |4   |4   |13  |3   |1   |   |  | 26  
|per    |  2   |  |  |  |  |  |   |1  |2  |2   |7   |7   |5   |2   |1  |  | 27  
|per    |  3   |  |  |  |  |  |1  |1  |   |5   |7   |5   |6   |2   |   |  | 27  
|per    |  4   |  |  |  |1 |1 |1  |   |2  |5   |4   |5   |4   |3   |1  |  | 27  
|per    |  5   |  |  |  |  |  |   |   |2  |1   |5   |5   |11  |3   |   |  | 27  
|spor   | all  |  |  |  | 1|  |   |   |1  |2   |4   |22  |37  |23  |3  |  | 92  



                  International Meteor Organization (IMO)


                   Visual Observing Form - Summary Report


Day:12-13 Month:08  Year:97_        Begin: 18_h46_m   End:01__h36_m

Location:  long. 37x06'35"E       latit. 31x43'05"N         h=550 m 

Site: Al-Azraq _________________________________   Country: JORDAN

Observer: Mohammad Odeh________________________   IMO code:odemo__

Showers considered:
| Shw |alpha|delta| Shw |alpha|delta| Shw  |alpha|delta| Shw  |alpha|delta|
|Per  |47.6 |57.58|     |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
|     |     |     |     |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |     |
| Period  |Field  |Teff| F | lm |Per |    | ___| ___| ___| ___| ___| ___|Spor|
|  (UT)   |RA  Dec|  h |   | m  |M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|M| N|
|1846-2118|   |   |2.52| 1 |5.45|c|27| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|21|
|2118-2216|   |   |0.93| 1 |6.20|c|32| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|26|
|2219-2257|   |   |0.63| 1 |6.15|c|30| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|12|
|2257-2342|   |   |0.72| 1 |6.15|c|30| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|14|
|2342-0008|   |   |0.43| 1 |6.15|c|30| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|11|
|0008-0040|   |   |0.52| 1 |6.15|c|24| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|07|
|0040-0102|   |   |0.37| 1 |6.15|c|23| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|07|
|0102-0136|   |   |0.57| 1 |6.15|c|31| |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | |  |c|10|

Magnitude data:

|Shower |Period|-7|-6|-5|-4|-3| -2| -1| 0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 |+6 
|per    |  1   |  |  |  |  |  |   |   | 3 |5   |6   |11  |2   |    |   |  | 27  
|per    |  2   |  |  |  |  |  |   |1  |4  |3   |8   |4   |8   |4   |   |  | 32  
|per    |  3   |  |  |  |  |  |   |1  |3  |2   |7   |7   |8   |2   |   |  | 30  
|per    |  4   |  |  |  |  |  |1  |   |   |9   |1   |2   |10  |6   |1  |  | 30  
|per    |  5   |  |  |  |  |  |   |   |   |6   |4   |6   |10  |4   |   |  | 30  
|per    |  6   |  |  |  |  |  |   |   |1  |3   |1   |12  |5   |2   |   |  | 24  
|per    |  7   |  |  |  |  |1 |   |   |1  |4   |5   |8   |2   |2   |   |  | 23  
|per    |  8   |  |  |  |  |  |   |1  |1  |2   |5   |11  |10  |1   |   |  | 31  
|spor   | all  |  |  |  |  |1 |   |1  |   |3   |16  |36  |32  |18  |1  |  | 108 
Mohammad Odeh
Jordanian Astronomical Society (JAS)
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