
Re: (meteorobs) Question?

On Wed, 27 Aug 1997, THOMAS T WOJACK wrote:

> Wesley,
> Were your parents interested in astronomy?

They weren't really into it, but they were understanding of my interest
(it was far preferable to the "hobbies" most of the other kids were just
starting to get into, like rock'n roll, drugs, etc.)  They realized that
astronomy was educational and a supplement to my schooling.  When I was in
grade school, they would give me math quizzes at home, and I'd give them
astronomy quizzes and have them try to find easy objects in my 60mm
refractor (pure torture! :)).  They also had an early-to-bed,
early-to-rise philosophy, so in the winter when it started getting dark at
suppertime and didn't get light until schooltime I could do some observing
in both evening and morning.  This was a small town, and though it wasn't
a low-crime area the criminals weren't going to be out on a winter morning
at 5:00.  But I was, as long as I bundled up. Besides, we had a whole half
acre of fenced-in yard to go with our mobile home.

As far as the difference between 15 and 18, it's a legal one.  After
you're 18, your parents aren't legally responsible for you anymore, and as
long as you move out of the house and don't ask for money or cars they
probably won't interfere with your observing plans then.  Go to college in
Hawaii or Arizona or somewhere like that, and you'll be set.

> I'll try to plot soon.  I have to get another red flashlight, as mine 
> nearly blew up my shed and my telescope last year.  But the 
> flashlight blew up.
> Jonathan   
