
Re: (meteorobs) My Perseid Observations (late)

At 09:55 AM 9/4/97 -0700, Gregg Lobdell wrote:
>Limiting Magnitude?  Well, I could see seven or eight stars in the
>Pleiades during the period of observation.  What kind of limiting
>magnitude does this give?  Is there a good online source for limiting
>magnitude charts.  What is the best source?

I'm glad you asked that, Gregg! ;>

See the IMO Web site for a write-up on "Finding your Limiting Magnitude",
Gregg. The general URL for the International Meteor Organization is:
	http://www.imodot net
and see in particular their section on visual LMs:
	http://www.imodot net/visual/major01.html#sec52

The gist is:
	Use the IMO "star count method" (detailed in the Web site).
	Always pick two IMO star fields close to your zenith.
	Make counts of both star fields every half hour or so.
	Averted vision is OK for counts, but don't strain too much.
	Observations when LM<5.0 are "just for practice".

Meanwhile, keep the great observations coming this Fall! :)
Clear skies,