
Re: (meteorobs) IMO-NEWS: Program to process meteor observations

>During summer vacation I've been writing a program to process
>meteor-observations.  The program automatically generates the
>visual-observing-form, the meteor-data-form, and the
>visual-meteor-train-observing -form for observations of up to 10
<observers observing 8 showers.  You can enter, store, retrieve and
>process your observation-data with this program easily.  It'll save you a lot
>of work.
>http://www.student.kuleuven.acdot be/~m9607566/metcomp.htm
>E-mail: igoe@kagi.com
<Ivan Goethals

     I downloaded your program but was sad to see that it can only be run
  with WINDOWS95... it won't run with WIN 3.1... I was wondering, do you have
  a WIN 3.1 version you could post on the NET??  I would be most interested
  in a copy if so.

     San Diego, CA