
re: (meteorobs) Meteor Stream Data - Minor Streams

>Our meteor section is still updating our stream list and I am umable
>to find information on the following minor meteor streams:  The
>streams are listed on the DMS stream list but I have no duration and
>max for them.  If anyone has data on them, I would greatly
>appreciate it.

From the DMS datalist; Solar Longitude is approximate as all these are low 
rate showers. I've listed dates with ZHR > 1; I generally use these as 
start and end dates; although with plotting, you can look slightly earlier 
and later.

Tau Cetids

( Cet )Max Solar Long 95 (Jun 26/27) ZHR Max 3.6 +/- 1.1
ZHR > 1 Solar Long 90-100 (Jun 21 to July 2)
Velocity 66 kps

Psi Cygnids

( oCy ) ZHR 2.5 +/- 0.8
ZHR > 1 ~ Sol Long 110-125, Max 116 (Jul 2 to 28; Jul 18/19)
Velocity 37 kps

Cygnids (IMO kappa Cygnids KCG)

( kCy ) ZHR 2.3 +/- 0.4
ZHR > 1 ~135-155; Max 146  (Aug 7-28; Aug19)
Velocity 27 kps

Leo Minorids  (lMi)
 ZHR 1.9 +/- 0.7
ZHR > 1 ~ 206-214 Max 209 (Oct 19-27; Oct22/23)
Velocity 61 kps

Note that all of these are very low rate showers, barely suitable for 
counting. Accurate plotting, combined with speed estimates are required to 
verify these shower members.

>Thanks in advance to anyone who can help

Adam Marsh, ASVMS.
You're welcome!
