
(meteorobs) Meteor Storms and Satellites (for Joseph Assmus)

Message-Id: <CC11263938@CCMail.UCSDdot edu>
Date: Sun,  9 Nov 1997 09:35:00 -0800
To: meteorobs@latrade.com
Subject: Meteor Storms & satellites

    This is in response to posted query re: meteors and satellites....

    I just came across a scientific paper (posted on the web) addressing 
  very issue...  Its a link from Mike Boschat's (very cool) ASTRONOMY
  WEB-PAGE.  The paper is entitled "Meteor Storms: An assessment of 
  impact probabilities" and was presented atthe 9th CASI Conference of
  Astronautics, Ottawa, Canada.... For the more mathematically inclined,
  within the text of the paper, there is a link to a briefer document
  giving statistical and mathematical development of impact probabilties 
  Leonid quantities for mass, velocity, distribution index, etc.

    The main paper is at following URL:

    http//leroy.cc.ureginadot ca/~astro/Leonids/Leo_2.html

    Looking forward to those Leonids...

    Joseph Assmus
    San Diego, CA
