
(meteorobs) Re: Cepheus Meteor Activity Dec 5?

George Zay reported about the following event:
> I was informed by an individual who resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA of meteor
> activity apparently radiating from the general area of Cepheus. It occurred on
> the early evening of Dec 5/6 at about 0h00 UT(18h00 CST). Sighted were 11
> meteors with a 2-3 minute period. The meteor's had an apparent medium
> velocity. Magnitudes were relatively bright...+2 and +1 range. The individual
> who made this report is not an experienced meteor observer, but is astronomy
> savvy. Despite this fact, a minor shower is possible and future observations
> around this date may prove fruitful? 
> GeoZay
In that night, 4 observers of the German Arbeitskreis Meteore waited for
a cloud gap, which arrived over Potsdam at 0130 UT (Dec 06). During the
watch until 0300 UT there was no obvious activity from the NNW sky
(Cepheus has an elevation between 30 and 45 deg at that time). I checked
my plots (no trail fitting the suspected radiant region), and I will 
ask the others to check their plots as well. 
We know that meteor activity may last for a short time only. So any
observation is useful, as already pointed out many times. It also
supports that plotting is useful to check for unknown sources.

Jurgen Rendtel
IMO President
