
(meteorobs) Zenethal Attraction


I am writing this from work so I do not have any references to go by, 
just memory.

Zenithal attraction is the offset of the true radiant verses the 
predicted radiant. If I recall correctly it is greatest for a radiant 
near the horizon and for meteors of low velocity. The stream that 
comes to mind when you mention Z. A. is the Camelopardalids. The 
velocity of this shower is only 11km/sec. and due to the Z. A. the 
radiant diameter is in the order of 30-40 degrees wide. I believe it 
is caused by the effects of the Earth's gravity upon an object with 
low velocity.

If you place your center of field between 50 and 70 degrees in 
altitude (as the IMO recommends) then the Z. A. would be close to 
zero and would not be a factor in your data.

Clear Skies!

Bob Lunsford