
(meteorobs) IMO-NEWS Re: Open questions in meteor science?

Again, Korado is NOT on meteorobs - add him to your "CC:" when responding!


------- Forwarded Message

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 01:53:38 +0200
From: Korado Korlevic <korado@visnjan.hr>
Organization: Zvjezdarnica Visnjan
To: Trevor Wren <Trevor.Wren@newcastle.acdot uk>
Cc: imo-news@imodot net
Subject: Re: Open questions in meteor science?

Trevor Wren wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to ask some questions about the current state of knowledge and
> find out which of the following questions are still undecided:
> 1. What are the probabilities and risks of major impacts from meteors?
> 2. What are the identified potential future threats?
> 3. Are there any organisations which have been set up to act and advise
> governments?
> 4. Are there any international government/military plans to detect and
> tackle threats?
> 5. What is the consensus on the effectiveness of planned measures given the
> understanding of the risks?
...... snip .......


        http://www.brera.mi.astrodot it/SGF/
MIRROR: http://cfa-www.harvarddot edu/~marsden/SGF/

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