
Fwd Re: (meteorobs) Crazy, brain-dead (SRC) ideas...

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Subject: (meteorobs) Crazy, brain-dead (SRC) ideas...
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 98 23:24:33 -0400
From: Pierre Martin <p.martin@cyberusdot ca>
To: <meteorobs@latrade.com>

Here below is my own mesage I have sent to: 


about the Russian project involving giant mirrors to light up the 
night sky. I hope many others will send their comments to this 
contact person. I just had to do something about such a 
rediculous, unthinkable, crazy idea...

>Dear sir,

>First, please let me briefly present myself. I am Pierre Martin, 
>a 22 years old serious amateur astronomer, from Ontario, Canada, 
>currently observing meteors for the purpose of scientific study. 
>I have been doing visual meteor reports on a regular basis for 
>such well known, reputable groups like the International Meteor 
>Organisation (IMO) for the past 5 years.  

>I have recently been aware of the experiment called Znamya 275 to be
>conducted the November of this year. From my current knowledge, this
>experiment is designed to light up parts of the world from reflected 
>sunlight. If the experiment is successful, perhaps in the future, many
>more of these reflectors will bring "sunlight" in dark areas of the 
>world, such as the Arctic, at a more economical price.

>Although this is a very intriguing experiment, I believe many negative
>consequences will follow. First, we, astronomers will greatly sufer 
>from the unwanted light. Astronomers' equipement is often very 
>sensitive to light. In order to gather useful scientific data, any 
>unplanned malfunction or interuption will mean to start all over again. 
>An astronomer's observing time under the stars is often very precious. 
>All the dark, clear skies available around the world will be used by 
>scientists to further understand the mysteries of the cosmos. Even a 
>single, pass around the world by a reflecting mirror would destroy 
>very important data and observations.

>Furthermore, an object roughly 10 times the brightness of the moon
>passing over a observer will certainly affect his dark vision and
>interrupt the session. (it is necessary for observers to maintain 
>their dark eye adaptation to see the faintest sky objects.)

>Meteor astronomy is one field in astronomy that still needs to be
>extensively studied. Serious data collection can only be achieved 
>by observations from the surface of the earth. Whenever periods of
>clear moonless nights occur throughout the year, observers from all 
>parts of the world are needed to keep watch. And this needs to be done 
>year after year. This effort by dedicated and patient observers will 
>help better understand the meteor flux and its relation to comets and 
>the Solar System. This in turn gives us hints about our own existence.

>If in the future, the sky on top of an observer is constantly lit
>by giant reflectors in space, then no observations will be possible from 
>that location. Valuable data will be lost and "piece" after "piece" of 
>the meteor puzzle will be lost. Our understanding of the Solar System
>and cosmos will be forever hidden because of our own "nitelights".

>Finally, I am curious to learn more about the consequences to wildlife,
>their natural habitats, etc... I hope consideration has taken into 
>account the number of living beings to be affected (positively and 
>negatively) from this. Have any study been conducted to learn about 
>the impact on human and wild life before undergoing such a project ?

>Thank you for your time.


Pierre Martin                                             .  .      .
*******************************************        / / .   .    -*     .
Ottawa, Ontario, CAN                              / /   .     .  .   .   .
Visual meteor observer                          // /       / . .    .   .
Ottawa Astro Observers Group                    / /   .   *      .   .
Graphic Designer (National Aviation Museum)   =/ / |\      .       .      .
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