
(meteorobs) Port com and ohther's small problem for METEOR v 2.0 !

Hi Bob, and all,

Thank you very much  for your comment on my software Meteor.
If you ave only one port com on your computer, Run METEOR v 2.0 without
mouse ! and use a Hot Key function's (for the list press F1 in Meteor
program). Is not very easy for the sky chart but is available.
if you connect the Mouse on com1 and electronic interface on com2 is good
no ? it's not necessary use com3 or com4 !

For the Fast configuration of METEOR v 2.0
Modify the file METEOR.CFG in the directory METEORV2 of your computer.

The parameter's in this file is :

1st   line : -3.6945  ----------> Longitude, change for your longitude
(minus if EST of Greenwich)
2 nd line : 43.6988 ----------> Latitude, change for your latitude (minus
if is South)
                                          Latitude and longitude is in
decimal value.
3 nd line do not edit !
4 nd line : sampling value, automaticaly adjusted whith Meteor.
5 nd line : Delay value for the computer. Wait after the detection of the
burst. Too small create a multiple cont !
6 nd line : Azimut of the beam of your antenna. If is directive.
7 nd line : Altitude of the beam of your antenna.

Then save the new value in METEOR.CFG file and restart METEORU2.EXE !

Is available on my web site you Download the documentation in HTML !

Thank's at all and excuse me for my poor English !
