
(meteorobs) Re: Events for 98

Gregory David Stempel wrote:

> I found the following information and decided to pass it along. Forgive
> me if is common knowlege.
> The follwoing meteor showers are expected in the ramainder of the year:
> Date   Name            Z-hr  RA         DEC     Illumination   Longitude
>                                                 Fraction
> 10/13  Piscids         ?     1hr44min   14deg   0.38           200deg
> 10/22  Orionids        25    6hr24min   15deg   0.05           209deg
> 11/3   Taurids         8     3hr44min   14deg   0.99           221deg
> 11/17  Leonids         10    10hr08min  22deg   0.02           235deg
> 12/8   Puppids-Velids  15    9hr00min  -48deg   0.70           257deg
> 12/13  Geminids        75    7hr28min   32deg   0.24           262deg
> 12/22  Ursids          5     14hr28min  78deg   0.14           271deg
> 12/25  Puppids-Velids  15    9hr20min  -65deg   0.41           274deg
> Z-hr is for Zenith Hourly Rate
> I am unable to attest the accuracy of the information.
Please note that the entry for the Piscids corresponds with the Northern
Piscids, a very weak shower difficult to seperate from the two Taurid
radiants which are located just a bit further east in Aries this time of
year. This shower is much weaker than it Southern counterpart which is
active in September and has been dropped from most current lists.

Bob Lunsford
American Meteor Society
International Meteor Organization
