
(meteorobs) Observation of Linearids during expected maximum

>To: meteorobs@jovian.com, MeteorObs@charlestondot net, visual@imodot net,
>        observers@skypub.com, bmarsden@cfa.harvarddot edu (Dr. Brian Marsden),
>        DGREEN@cfa.harvarddot edu
>Subject: observation for Linearids during expected maximum
>Cc: zj@vega.bac.pkudot edu.cn (Jin Zhu), moongod@263dot net, eastjoan@263dot net,
>        zhaoju@usadot net, ywfan@263dot net
>From: Jin Zhu <zj@bac.pkudot edu.cn>
>Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 07:51:58 +0800 (CST)

Eight Chinese meteor observers made a three-hour campaign for Linearids
in a place near the Great Wall. We just went back from the observation
and I'll have a course in half an hour and others are probably go to

We made observation during Nov. 11 19:00 UT to 21:30. Five made
individual visual observations and some with photographic observation
(just for taking photos with color films?). The results are not
extracted from tape, but there are some 'feelings' which might be 
helpful to observers for next session in western.

1. Only one observer saw one possible Linearids.

2. It seemed that several meteors coming from a radiant at around
10h30m, +65d. We didn't notice this radiant at the first hour, but
I saw about 7 meteors from this direction during my 2-hour observation,
including a +1 stationary one from that point (comfirmed by another
observer), and another observer saw a much fainter but also stationary
one from the same (or very near) area at earlier time! Please take a 
special attention on this possible radiant and please check again 
whether this could be the real Linearids radiant. 

3. We saw at least 3 Leonids. 

4. An observer (Rui Qi) also said that there were several meteors 
coming from the constellation of Canis Major.

5. Another less possible radiant could be around 11h30m, +45d.

Clear skies to all, Jin

- - -- 
Jin Zhu                           | Tel.: +86-10-62759888, 62756612 (O)
Beijing Astronomical Observatory  |       +86-10-62579689 (H)
Chinese Academy of Sciences       |       +86-314-5054767 (Schmidt dome)
P. R. China                       | Fax : +86-10-62765031 or 64888731
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------
email: zj@bac.pkudot edu.cn or jinzhu@sun.ihep.ac.cn
WWW Home Page: http://vega.bac.pkudot edu.cn/~zj
Pager: zhu_jin@263dot net (only Sub. line) OR +86-10-64256688 PIN 82333

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