
(meteorobs) Lyrids in Japan by Radio Meteor Observation

Hi, all.
I'm Hiroshi Ogawa.(JAPAN)

I observed Lyrids 2001 by Radio Meteor Observation. My reslut of it is following table.
The maximum is around 23:00(UT) in Japan.

The result is following URL. Please look at this page.

Location: Misato Observatory(Wakayama-pref. JAPAN)
          135.40deg E, 34.13deg N
Frequency: 53.750 MHz.
Antenna: original Diepole(height:1m, to level, element:west-east)
Receiver:AOR AR8000 USB-Mode
Observing method: HROFFT software(by Okawa), manual count

The first line is "all echoes". The second line is "long echoes(>20s)"

LT  00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
UT  15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
18/ Es IF 13 13 23 18 18 18 15 17 11  8 12 10  9  7  5  3  4  5  2  2 11 10

19/ 18 13 13 12 23 18 16 20 19 19 11  8  6  9 16 12 @3 IF IF IF @5  9 11@14
20/ IF  8 11 16 23 17 29 24 13 10 16  9 10 14 13 14  6 IF IF IF  6  3 11 12
                          2  1
21/@11 12 23 19 16 20 23@15 19 21 14 13 10 15 IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF
              1              1  1
22/ IF Es IF@24 28 23 24 23 36 20@22  9  8 11  5 11  8 IF @3  3  6 15 14 12
                          1  1     1
23/ 22 16 24 25 25 26 23 25 24 12 12

  @: Hourly rate estimated by effective observation time less than 60 min.
 IF: Contamination due to radio noise or interference
 Es: Contamination due to sporadic E opening
 LT=JST =UT + 9 h

Hiroshi Ogawa (University of Tsukuba, JAPAN)
mailto: HZH02257@nifty.ne.jp
Radio Meteor Obs. http://homepage2.nifty.com/~baron/

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