
(meteorobs) WTC

To all on this forum.
Thanks for the hope and unity expressed on this list today. Everything has been off topic and no negative remarks. My niece - Mother of 2 young boys was on floor 70 of tower 2. No word on her. I spoke to one my work contacts in WTC shorty before 8:30 eastern USA time who mentioned the beautiful day. Jim has not been heard from since. As part of my job I handle and route crisis calls in emergency situations when the communiction lines are overloaded
. I spoke to some amazing folks today on their cell phones asking to have calls routed to home to let loved ones know they were ok. Some heartbreaking calls were to let loved ones know people would not be coming home. One of my brothers  is a NYC (New York City) paramedic. We hear he is taking care of the severe triage and burn victams.  My husband got a call to go on standby even though he is too old to be acitvely recalled to the military - his expertise may be needed.
It has been my family's experience that in a crisis the skies are a great comfort. The skies here in central PA are clear and you can see the milky way tonight. My husband and I saw a slow moving blue green meteor at 9:11 pm this eve on the way home from him picking me up at work after 12 hours. The arc appeared to be coming from the north east. It was a sporadic meteor. I hope it means that here in the USA we will deal with the situation and not loose site that a very few people caused extreme devastation that hurt the many and we will all use control and bond together.
keep your feet on the ground and your eyes on the stars