
(meteorobs) Leonids: Our first Observations


Our first observations of the Leonids were taken last night. We were
presented with a wonderfully clear sky when we reached the site. Early
showers had in fact helped to settle the dust in the atmosphere..dot it had
rained just an hour before!

But we were surprised and disappointed to see very few Leonids.

The Summary Report is attached.

Warm Regards and Clear Skies!
Girish Kulkarni
[Lat21.1500   Long79.0500   Elev311.0]
Visual Observing Form - Summary Report
Day: 16/17 Month: November Year: 2001
Location: Lat: 21.1500deg   Long: 79.0500h   Ele: 311.0m 
Site: Muktashram, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Country: India
Observer: Dhananjay Joshi
Recording Method: Manual Counting
Observed Showers: 
1. LEO
2. SPO
Observing Periods:

Period(UT) 	Field Centre (J2000.0)			LM	LEO	SPO

1370-1470		RA18h36m56.30s   DE:+38°47'01.0"	5.06	0	5
1685-1785		RA23h03m46.50s   DE:+28°04'58.0"	5.56	0	12
2100-2200		RA3h11m37.80s   DE:+19°43'36.0"	5.55	2	3


Sky Obscured: 

1. 10% from 1370UT to 1470 UT
2. 10% from 1685UT to 1785UT
3. 10% from 2100UT to 2200 UT	

Breaks: 1370-1375; 1685-1695; 2100-2105 (UT)

Limiting Magnitude:

Time	Area	Count	LM

1375UT	Cyg(14)	8	5.06
1695UT	Peg (6)	7	5.56
2105UT	Per(2)	7	5.55

Mean Limiting Magnitude:  5.39


Visual Observing Form - Summary Report
Day: 16/17 Month: November Year: 2001
Location: Lat: 21.1500deg   Long: 79.0500h   Ele: 311.0m
Site: Muktashram, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Country: India
Observer: Girish Kulkarni 
Recording Method: Manual Counting
Observed Showers: 
1. LEO
2. SPO
Observing Periods:

Period(UT) 	Field Centre (J2000.0)			LM	LEO	SPO

1370-1470		RA2h07m10.40s   DE:+23°27'45.0"	5.80	0	7*
1685-1785		RA4h35m55.20s   DE:+16°30'33.0"	5.21	0	8
2100-2200		RA8h58m29.20s   DE:+11°51'28.0"	5.78	3	4

[*Remarks: One fireball was seen going through Pegasus, from East to West. It lasted for 3 sec and was seen to be red in colour.]
Magnitude Distribution:

Shower	-1	0	1	2/(<2)	Total

LEO		1	1	1	3	
SPO	1	4	2	12	19

Sky Obscured: 

1. 0% from 1370UT to 1470 UT
2. 0% from 1685UT to 1785UT
3. 5% from 2100UT to 2200 UT	

Breaks: 1370-1375; 1685-1695; 2100-2105 (UT)

Limiting Magnitude:

Time	Area	Count	LM

1375UT	Peg(6)	8	5.80
1695UT	Aur(17)	9	5.21
2105UT	Gem(4)	10	5.78

Mean Limiting Magnitude:  5.60