
(meteorobs) Meteor Lover's smorgasbord

Subject: Leonid Report ..   It was not a storm, yet a continuous shower,  with no
break in activity, an average of 8 to 10 a minute, with brief bursts of  6
to 10  a second, simultaneously interspersed with fireballs, and bolides;  a
cross section of every type of meteor one could hope for seeing; a meteor
lover's smorgasbord; A true mix of earth grazers, point meteors, fireballs,
bolides of orange and blue, luminous trains, faint meteors,and  an abundance
of bright ones. Estimated peak 10:33 to 10:34 UT

Date: November 18 2001
Begin: 7:00UT (1:00 am CST)
End: 11:05 UT (5:00 am CST)
Name of Observer: Barbara Wilson
Observing Site: Ponchartrain Astronomy Site, near Franklinton, La, USA.
Longitude: 90 degrees 1l' 19" west longitude
Latitude:  + 30 degrees  46'  32" latitude.
Altitude: 73 feet
Shower: LEO
Total number of Leonids: 794
Total number of non-Leonids:10
Recording method: Count ( tape recorder)
Limiting Magnitude: 5.6 to 5.7
Teff :  214 minutes/ 3.57 hours

Below is count from 1 am to 5:05 am local time   Obsuration of horizon 25
degrees (treeline) I was facing south looking about 50 degrees elevation.
Period(UT)  FOV          LM    LEO     SPO
07:00-08:00 10.0h+19 5.6   36        0
08:00-09:00 10.0h+19 5.7   90        4
09:00-10:00 05.5h+00 5.7   220      3
10:00-10:01 05.5h+00 5.7   10        0
10:01-10:02 05.5h+00 5.7    5         0
10:02-10:04 05.5h+00 5.7    14      0 
10:04-10:05 05.5h+00 5.7   6         0
10:05-10:06 05.5h+00 5.7   6        0   
10:06-10:08 05.5h+00 5.7    10        0
10:08-10:10 05.5h+00 5.6     6        0(some haze and clouds passing)
10:10-10:11 05.5h+00 5.7    9         2
10:11-10:12 05.5h+00 5.7    5         0
10:12-10:14 05.5h+00 5.7     23       1
10:14-10:15 05.5h+00 5.7     5         0
10:15-10:16 05.5h+00 5.7     9         0
10:16-10:18 05.5h+00 5.7    16       0   
10:18-10:19 05.5h+00 5.7     17       0
10:19-10:20 05.5h+00 5.7    5         0
10:20-10:21 05.5h+00 5.7    6         0
10:21-10:22 05.5h+00 5.7    5         0
10:22-10:23 05.5h+00 5.7     6           0
10:23-10:24 05.5h+00 5.7     15         0
10:24-10:25 05.5h+00 5.7    11         0
10:25-10:26 05.5h+00 5.7    15         0
10:26-10:27 05.5h+00 5.7    13         0
10:27-10:28 05.5h+00 5.7    7           0
10:28-10:29 05.5h+00 5.7    5           1
10:29-10:30 05.5h+00 5.7    12        0
10:30-10:31 05.5h+00 5.7     9         0
10:31-10:33 05.5h+00 5.7    17         0
10:33-10:34 05.5h+00 5.7    20         0
10:34-10:35 05.5h+00 5.7    8 Leo    0
10:35-10:36 05.5h+00 5.7     6 Leo    0
10:36-10:37 05.5h+00 5.7    5 Leo    0
10:37-10:39 05.5h+00 5.7     25 Leo    0
10:39-10:40 05.5h+00 5.7     6 Leo    0
10:40-10:42 05.5h+00 5.7    16 Leo    0
10:42-10:44 05.5h+00 5.7    15 Leo    0
10:44-10:45 05.5h+00 5.7    9 Leo    0   
10:45-10:46 05.5h+00 5.7    4 Leo    0
10:46-10:48 05.5h+00 5.7    17 Leo    0
11:00-11:05 05.5h+00  5.7    40 Leo    0

Magnitude Distribution - Leo

Period 0700--0900: (1am to 2 am local)
Mag -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6  Tot
- ------------------------- ------------------------
LEO: 1  0  0  0  1  0   3  0  2  17 7  3   0   2   0  36  Note -8 bolide at 1:45 am of -8 through Cass left a wake visible for 10 minutes.
LEO  0  0 0  0  0  1  4  5   8 30 25 14 2    1 0  90 - 4 blue bolide that exploded into pieces due west at 2:01 am,  left a train visible for several minutes)
Break: 10 min

Period 0900--1000: hourly count was 220 leonids 3 sporadics (3 to 4 am local)
 Mag -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6  Tot
- ------------------------- ------------------------
LEO: 1  0  0  1  1   3  10  55 2  66 39 33 9  0   0  220  Note at 3:51 am was a -8 bolide, lit up the ground as it blew into 2 pieces. Fireball at 3:06 am lit up
the ground like a strobe light, then seconds later, a -5 left a beautiful train. 
Break: 5 min

Period: 10UT to 10:30 Ut HALF HOUR count 241 Leonids 
 Mag -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6  Tot
- ------------------------- ------------------------
LEO: 0  0   0  1  0  1   13 42 1 99 50 21 11 2  0  241

Period: 10:30 to 10:48 UT 18 minute Count 157 Leonids
 Mag -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6  Tot
- ------------------------- ------------------------
LEO: 0  0   0  1  2  1   8   27 2  70 25 18  2  1  0  157

From 11:00 to 11:05 UT 5 minute count 40 Leonids
 Mag -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6  Tot
- ------------------------- ------------------------
LEO: 0  0   0  0  0  0   2   11 1 18 5 3  0  0   0  40
The night started with the long Earth Grazers from 11:30 CST till 12:30 CST.
They were mostly 1st magnitude, flying in parallel from east to west.  These
set the stage for an amazing night, which thankfully was seen so many places
across the US At 10:23 UT I got quite a flurry, I saw one every 4 seconds
but at 10:33-10:34  my one minute count was 20 Leonids, an average of one
every 3 seconds. Quite exciting!
The excitement was so apparent as activity increased with bursts of 4 to 6
at once, or maybe more, from about 10:21 UT.  A beautiful burst of 6 at once
out of the radiant at 10:23 UT,  that  for a second or two had trains that
made the radiant appear as a sunburst, or should I say star burst.

it was so apparent that activity had increased dramatically at that point,
it seemed to me to be quite a flurry, but not sustained bursts. Spits and
flurries of 4 to 6 at once, then slowing down to 1 or 2 then up again.
Many fireballs, though the amount of fireballs did not approach the 1998
fireballs which I saw from west Texas under 6.8 magnitude skies.  There were
several that were of the -8 category ( and at least 3 bolides, which split
and left enduring trains( a bolide at 1:45 am of -8 through Cass left a wake
visible for 10 minutes, a  - 4 blue bolide that exploded into pieces due
west at 2:01 am,  left a train visible for several minutes). (None  of these
fireballs, left the 20 minute trains we saw in 1998.) One at 3:06 am lit up
the ground like a strobe light, then seconds later, a -5 left a beautiful
train.  One at 3:51 am,  which was a -8, lit up the ground as it blew into 2
pieces. A great mix of fireballs, several bolides, and bright meteors with a
number of fainter 3-4th magnitude, but average of mostly -1 to 2nd
magnitude. A number of J shaped trains,  both right side up and up side
I stopped taping at 10:48, Count from then on was ceased due to strong
Leonid activity, no matter what direction one looked they were falling,
despite increasing astronomical twilight to the east. I could not really
make an accurate estimate, and just wanted to look.
I saw 10 at once at (10:55 UT) looking west towards Orion where the sky was
still dark just before 5 am.  While others were seeing similar activity
looking north, or south. The zodiacal cone was now going through Leo.  .

 After 11 UT (5 am) the activity slowed somewhat due to increasing sky
brightness because of twilight. I resumed tape count, continued to see
Leonids falling while the sky was turning blue deep into nautical twilight,
as did others. Seven seen of 1st magnitude at 5:01 am and 15 total in this
one minute, and still strong activity at 5:05 despite haze and high cirrus
now overhead that came in slowly from the east in the last 1/2 hour, I saw 6
more of 0 to 1st magnitude. Between 11 UT (5am) and 11:05 UT (5:05am) I
counted 40 in 5 minutes.

Barbara Wilson
Houston, Texas