
(IAAC) Subject: Object: Palomar9 - Instrument: 13,1" Dobson

Observer: Michael Büchner 
Your skill: advanced
Date and UT of observation: 14.8.1993
Location & latitude: Irschen, Austria, elev 1500m
Site classification: rural
Limiting magnitude (visual): 6m.0
Seeing (1 to 5 - best to worst): 2
Moon up (phase?): no
Instrument: 331 mm dobson, f/4,4
Magnification: 56x
Filters used: -
Object: Pal9(NGC6717)
Category: GC
Constellation: Sgr
Object data: 8m.4,  3,9'
RA/DE: 18 55 06 -22 42.1
The globular is about 2' south of 2 Sagittari). At 56x it looks like a
fuzzy star. I couldn't resolve any stars.
You can find a sketch on my homepage: 