
(IAAC) Subscriptions to announce!

Just a quick note that the subscription files of the main netastrocatalog list 
and the announce list have now been TIED TOGETHER. Thus subscribing to either one gives you a subscription to 
both. Similarly, unsubscribing from either unsubscribes you from both. For those 
of you who were not already on the announce list, the standard information file 
for it is appended to this message.

As always, we look forward to hearing about your astronomical observations!

Lew Gramer

>>>> info netastrocatalog-announce

This is the mailing list to subscribe to for ANNOUNCEMENTS and
DISCUSSIONS of the Internet Amateur Astromomers' Catalog. This
list is intended for all non-observational messages relating to
the IAAC. Observation reports are VERY welcome, but should not
be posted to 'netastrocatalog-announce'. These observations in-
stead should be mailed to the main 'netastrocatalog' email list.

To get more info about the main mailing list 'netastrocatalog',
send the following in the BODY (not Subject) of a message to the
email address 'majordomo@latrade.com':

	info netastrocatalog

NOTE: By subscribing to either netastrocatalog-announce or the
main netastrocatalog list, you are automatically subscribing to
BOTH of these lists. Similarly, unsubscribing from either list
will automatically unsubscribe you from both.

Thanks for your enquiry, and don't forget: we're looking forward
to receiving YOUR submissions to the IAAC catalog!