
(IAAC) Spam and Spam RESPONSES

At 02:46 PM 7/10/97, you wrote:
>I echo Mr Marsh's comments: STOP SENDING THIS!

Perhaps I need to make something clear here: these spam messages are NOT
originating from our netastrocatalog lists!!! Netastrocatalog is
EXCLUSIVELY an amateur endeavor, designed for people's deep-sky
observations. This 'announce' list is merely an adjunct to the main
netastrocatalog, allowing subscribers to communicate messages other than
their actual observations...

These SPAM messages, on the other hand, are sent by unscrupulous hucksters,
trolling the Web for email addresses which they can then turn around and
BARRAGE with useless advertisements like the above!

By responding to 'netastrocatalog-announce' with your complaints, and then
for good measure QUOTING much of the offending advertisement, all you are
doing is ticking off your humble listadmin, and REPLICATING the SPAM still

Got it? So if you want to complain, PLEASE post your complaints to the
actual email address responsible for sending this junk over the public

Meanwhile, I'm doing my best to modify both these lists in the background,
so that all non-astronomy postings can be screened out. I hope when this
screening is in place, people will stop receiving idiotic advertisements -
at least from MY list! :)

Clear skies to all, and (ONE LAST TIME) sorry for any inconvenience...

Lew Gramer