
Re: (IAAC) FWD: Posting Observations?

Hi, Dave. The posting procedure is outlined in the "info" message for this 
list, available either from majordomo@latrade.com, or at our Web site:

Anyway, that is a looong document, so here's the gist! TO POST AN OBSERVATION 
to the 'netastrocatalog', just send an email message to the address:

[Note this is JUST for observations!] The format of your message should roughly 
follow the example below - but feel free to leave out some data if providing it 
is too onerous. BUT *PLEASE* try to include the object name/designation, as 
well as the instrument you observe with (eyes, 7x50 binoculars, 36" dob, 
whatever), in the SUBJECT LINE of your message: this makes your post more 
useful for our readers, both on the list and the Web archive.

Finally, the '-announce' list is for all other (non-observation) posts. And you 
can reach me at the address below if you ever have questions. Clear skies!


[Here's a sample observation post, including mail header...]

To: netastrocatalog@latrade.com
From: A Current Subscriber <subscriber@mydomain.com>
Subject: Obj: IC 4665 - Inst: 4.25" f/7.9 reflector

Observer: Bernhard Rems
Your skills: Intermediate
Date and UT of Observation: 1996-06-17, 22:45 UT
Location: Vienna, Austria (48N)
Site classification: Urban
Limiting magnitude: 3.9
Seeing: 2/10 - bad
Moon up/phase: no
Instrument: 4.25" f/7.9 reflector
Magnification: 35x
Filters used: none
Object: IC4665
Category: Open cluster
Constellation: Oph
Data: Mag 4.2  size 41'
RA/DE: 17h46m  05o43'
Description: This is an easy open cluster under urban skies, although it 
is a little too big for the eyepiece I used. It can be easily found approx.
one degree north of Beta Oph. I counted about 30 stars in the center, all 
of them 7 mag or less. IC4665 isn't too spectacular, but under these skies 
you are happy about everything you can see.
