
Re: (IAAC) Obj: 34 Orionis (Mintaka) - Inst: 8 inch Dobsonian Deep Space Explorer

You won't have that problem with Rigel.  9 arc seconds is a pretty close
fit, but wide enough to be easily separated with almost any telescope.
Just look for the fainter star close in to the glare of Rigel.

Eric Greene                        erg@america.net
Unofficial Celestron Homepage

-----Original Message-----
From: Penny Fischer <pennyo@prodigy.net>
To: netastrocatalog-announce@latrade.com
Date: Friday, March 06, 1998 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: (IAAC) Obj: 34 Orionis (Mintaka) - Inst: 8 inch Dobsonian
Deep Space Explorer

>At 9 arc seconds separation, your scope should put
>>the stars far enough apart... the problem is picking out the faint
>Thanks Eric,
>That helps also.  Is the companion so far away though that it doesn't
>to be part of the same system?  I had that same thing with Regulus, the
>companion is so far out, it just appears as a FOV star.