

At 08:46 PM 4/26/98 +0200, you wrote:

>I am actually completing a small biographical list of the personnalities
>(from Abbe to Zwicky) linked to the deep sky (even slightly) with the
>maximum number of images from the great astronomers. I also have trouble
>finding some portraits of numerous observers, telescope makers,
>astronomers, etc. from old times. 

I have a slide reproduction of a rather rare glass plate photograph of John
Herschel, if you would like a copy. I have seen it printed before, so it's
nothing earth-shattering, but I have not seen it often and it is not what
is normally used as a J Herschel portrait on these sorts of things.

If you would like a scan of it, let me know what size. Obviously, a
photograph that old is free of copyright encumberments, and my source was
very clear that I was allowed to reproduce it as I wished.

If you have any that you are having trouble getting, let me know by direct
e-mail and I will see if I can help out.

Jeff Medkeff          | Acting Assistant Coordinator
Rockland Observatory  | Association of Lunar and Planetary
Sierra Vista, Arizona | Observers, Solar Section

On the web at http://shutter.vet.ohio-state.edu/