
Re: (IAAC) FWD: What should I buy? (rich field scopes)

    I completely agree that long focus instruments can give wonderful deep
sky views as well.  Our 10" f/9.5 Newt and 8" f/11.5 Apo are both wonderful
deep sky scopes - but not for wide-field objects.

Clear skies,  Sue
-----Original Message-----
From: djm28@email.psu.edu <djm28@email.psu.edu>
To: netastrocatalog-announce@latrade.com
>What I was trying to do was to make the point that as much deep-sky
observing can be done with large aperture,long focus instruments (at higher
magnifications) as with fast telescopes, or rich-field scopes for that
matter.  Most of my observing is done with a 17" f/15 classical Cassegrain
with a focal length of 6477mm!  And I sometimes use a friend's superb 20"
f/10 classical Cassegrain with a mere 5080mm focal length.:-)  Working with
a rather limited field of view (even with a 55mm Ploessl) and having to deal
with the difficulties of observing from a dome make locating DSO's somewhat
challenging, but certainly far from impossible.  And in many cases the views
of these objects, at least to me and other club members, are far superior at
higher magnifications.
