
Re: (IAAC) FWD: What should I buy? (rich field scopes)

    Yes indeed you did.  That's why I agreed with you on that point as well.

Clear skies,  Sue

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Mitsky <djm28@psu.edu>
>Sue and Alan French wrote:
>>     As for the galaxies, I agree.  Then again, there aren't many galaxies
>> between 1.5 and 9 degrees in the sky.
>> Clear skies,  Sue

>> >Sue,
>> >But there is another side to the story.  I am sure that you are aware
>> many small galaxies are below the threshold of visibility until they are
>> magnified enough to activate the complex physiological workings of the
>> eye-brain system>> >Dave

>Granted, Sue, but I did say small galaxies did I not?