
(IAAC) Messier Marathon 1999: Get ready !

Hello Messier Marathoners: Get ready for the MM 1999 !
I've brushed up the Messier Marathon homepage


for the 1999 event (where you find more info on Messier Marathons if
needed). Please email me if you would like to have your event announced
(in http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/marathon/mm99.html ) or would like to
contribute your results, new or from former years, to our result page 
( http://www.seds.org/messier/xtra/marathon/results.html ).

  Hartmut Frommert <spider@seds.org, http://www.seds.org/~spider/>
    Maintainer of the Messier pages at SEDS:  http://www.seds.org/messier/

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