
(IAAC) Ciel Extreme Update


An update of Ciel Extreme's site is now operationnal

In the english part, in the "HISTORY" menu, sum up and rankings of deep sky
discoverers who contributed to the Messier and NGC/IC catalogues are to be
found (pioneers of deep sky exploration) linked to short biographies.
direct access: http://www.astrosurf.org/cielextreme/page186E.html

In the french part, "ARTICLES" menu, addings to the cleaning of optics
(mirrors, lenses and eyepieces) from discussion in maillists have been made.
direct access: http://www.astrosurf.org/cielextreme/page181F.html

In the french part, "ARTICLES" menu, a new special file appears from the
publication dedicated to Hubble's variable nebula, NGC 2261.
direct access: http://www.astrosurf.org/cielextreme/page185F.html

happy reading, carpe noctem, yann.

Yann Pothier
11 impasse Canart, 75012 PARIS, FRANCE

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