
(IAAC) Off-topic posts to our IAAC list...

We've seen a flurry of general-interest (not deep-sky specific) posts to our
'netastrocatalog' list lately: I have not actively discouraged these off-topic
posts, as submissions to the list have been largely quiet, and these were all
well-intentioned and substantive posts. However, with each new off-topic post
this past week or two, I receive another small burst of requests from readers
(some of whom have been with us for years) to unsubscribe...

Our list readership has remained largely stable over the past couple of years.
And though observing log posts were light for a while, they have begun picking
back up very nicely recently: in fact, I myself have tens of lovely logs I did
while observing with a 30" dob out in SE New Mexico in late September, and I've
been looking forward with real anticipation to sharing these on our list soon!

All of that said, it would be a shame for us to lose avid readers and/or key
contributors to the IAAC right now, simply due to too many off-topic posts.
Please consider carefully, when posting to our list, that your message will
be of real interest to FELLOW DEEP-SKY OBSERVERS around the globe. Also try to
post only OBSERVING LOGS to 'netastrocatalog@jovian.com', directing any other
discussions or questions to our "announcements" sublist:


Thanks and clear skies, to everyone who's enjoyed and added to our Internet
Amateur Astronomers' Catalog of Deep-Sky Observations (IAAC) over the years.

Lew Gramer <owner-netastrocatalog@jovian.com>

To UNSUBSCRIBE from the 'netastrocatalog' lists, use the Web form at: