
(IAAC) Starry Night Pro Software - Extra Copies!

Greetings Everyone,

Well I'm in a dilemna, I'm sure for your Birthdays you've asked for something, and you got it from more than one person. Well I asked for the Starry Night Pro Software, which retails for $130.00, and I got 3 copies...

So I'd like to get rid of the extra copies and maybe buy an eyepiece with what I'll sell them for.

The software originally sells for $130.00, go to Electronics Boutique, or Starry Nights Website it's quite pricey. I'd like to sell each copy for $60.00 each plus 5.00 shipping.

Each box is 100% unopened. All the features of the program are at it's website,
<http://www.starrynight.com/en/product_pro.html> ...

Please help me get rid of these extra copies, this is an incredible program and I think it could benefit some of you out there.

Contact me for more details..

Ted A. Nichols II