
(IAAC) Object: M32 - Instrument: Newt 12.5" f/4.8

Observer: Lew Gramer
Your skills: Intermediate
Date and UT of Observation: 1996-06-16, 06:15 UT
Location: Bath, ME, USA (44N)
Site classification: rural
Limiting magnitude: 7.1
Seeing: 3 - medium
Moon up: no
Instrument: Reflector 12.5" f/4.8
Magnification: 55x, 85x
Filters used: none
Object: M32
Category: Elliptical galaxy
Constellation: And
Data: mag 8.1  size 8'x6'
RA/DE: 00h43m  +40o52m
Description: A nice, slightly oblong blob with a clear
concentration of 20" dia at it's center, and some less
bright, slightly oval concentration outside that. Would
be a pretty object in its own right, if not eclipsed by
the monster in the same field of view (M31).