
(IAAC) Obj: NGC 779 - Inst: 17" f/15 Cass

 Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 04:31:16 -0500
 From: Dave Mitsky <djm28@psu.edu>

 I recently discovered Netastrocatalog through Todd Gross' home page.
 Here are two of my recent observations:

Object: NGC 779
Observer: Dave Mitsky
Position: 1h59.7m, -05d58' (Herschel 400 manual)
Magnitude: 11.3 (Herschel 400 manual)
Location: ASH Naylor Observatory Lewisberry, PA (http://www.msd.org/obs.htm)
Date: 11/2/97
Time: 05:12 UT
Instrument: 17" f/15 classical Cassegrain
Oculars: 55mm Ploessl (118x), 45mm Ploessl (144x), 25mm Konig (259x)
NGC 779 is a very elongated, edge-on, barred spiral galaxy located in
Cetus.  This Herschel 400 object was fairly bright (despite the listed
magnitude), with a brighter nucleus.  The best view was at 144x.