
(IAAC) Stock 6 / NGC 886 - 8inch F/10

Observer: Yann POTHIER (France)
Your skill: advanced (many years)
Date and UT of observation: 21 December 92, about 22h30 UT
Location & latitude: La Clapiere Obs. (France, latN44 40 00, longE06 27 36)
Site classification: rural, alt.1650m (5500ft)
Limiting magnitude (visual): 6,2
Seeing (1 to 5 - best to worst): 4
Moon up (phase?): no
Instrument: Meade SCT 8" F/10
Magnification: 87x
Filters used: no
Object: Stock 6 / NGC 886
Category: open cluster
Constellation: CAS
Object data:  diam.20' / trumpler type IV2p / 30 stars of v10: and fainter
RA/DE: St 6 = 02h23.7m, +63°52'; NGC 886 = 02h23.5m, +63°47'
Description: quite large cluster of medium brightness, lightly condensed
and not well detached; about 30 stars of which 2 are about mag10, 15 of
mag11-12 and 10 of mag13-14; estimated dimensions about 14'x10' along a
NNE-SSW axis; a more crowded area 9'x4' elongated on the same axis is
noticeable along the NW edge taking half the cluster's dimensions; a mag10
star is offset from the center to the E and another of mag10.5 is just
outside the cluster to the NW.[On Guide, NGC 886 appears as a ? symbol
within Stock 6 boundaries, so it seemed to me that the two clusters were
the same; they appear under the same identity in Luginbuhl & Skiff.]

I can provide a scanned drawing of Stock 6 to anyone who can read the
binhex encoding of Eudora (for Mac); just mail me to try
(ypothier@abi.snv.jussieu.fr), it works sometimes with other

Yann Pothier	tel: 01 43 41 43 29
11 impasse Canart, 75012 PARIS, FRANCE
Email: ypothier@abi.snv.jussieu.fr
Site : http://pegase.unice.fr/~skylink/publi/cielextreme