
(IAAC) Obj: Abell 73 (PK 95+7.1) - Inst: 24" f/4.1 Dobson


Observation Poster: Stathis Kafalis <dobsonstathis@planet-interkom.de>

Observer: Stathis Kafalis
Your skills: Advanced (many years)
Date/time of observation: 2001 Oct 19
Location of site: German Alps (Lat 48°, Elev 1300 m)
Site classification: Exurban
Sky darkness: 3  <Bortle Scale (9 worst)>
Seeing: 5 <10-1 Seeing Scale (1 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: 24" f/4.1 Dobson
Magnification: 168
Filter(s): OIII and UHC
Object(s): Abell 73 = PK 95+7.1
Category: Planetary nebula.
Class: Ring structure 
Constellation: Cepheus
Data: mag 16.5+-1 (vis)  size 73"
Position: RA 20:57  DEC +57:27
Today I fixed the position with Hine's Planetary book.
At 168x (15 mm Panoptic) with OIII- filter with averted vision I see it very faintly glowing, but clearly. At good moments I can even hold it.
Is the wheather better, or am I fitter than yesterday? 
Sometimes the Edge appears brighter than the inside disk. 
Also seen the friens's 20" f/5, but more difficult there.
This is a magic planetary!
Optional related URLs: http://www.geocities.com/dobsonstathis
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