
(IAAC) Obj: NGC3486 - Inst: 30cm, f:10 SCT,LX200


Observation Poster: Jim Anderson <madmoon@bellsouth.net>

Observer: Jim Anderson
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 04282001-00:26EST
Location of site: Phelps Lake, NC (Lat 35:44, Elev 20')
Site classification: Rural
Sky darkness: 6/10 <1-10 Scale (10 best)>
Seeing: 7/10 <10-1 Seeing Scale (1 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: 30cm, f:10 SCT,LX200
Magnification: 117X, 203X, 314X
Filter(s): None
Object(s): NGC3486
Category: External galaxy.
Class: ?
Constellation: LMi
Data: mag 10.5v  size 7.2' x 5.1
Position: RA 11:00.4  DEC +28:59
The galaxy appears as a dim oval orienter near E-W (PA 80) The core is brighter than the halo with hint of barred core and the halo shows some brighter rim all around the periphery. The bar appears oriented at PA 80.
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