
(IAAC) Obj: NGC7044 - Inst: 30cm, f:10, SCT, LX200


Observation Poster: Jim Anderson <madmoon@bellsouth.net>

Observer: Jim Anderson
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 10262000-01:10 EST
Location of site: Camp Reeves, NC (Lat 35:21, Elev 230')
Site classification: Rural
Sky darkness: 6/10 <1-10 Scale (10 best)>
Seeing: 5/10 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: 30cm, f:10, SCT, LX200
Magnification: 203X, 314X
Filter(s): None
Object(s): NGC7044
Category: Open cluster.
Class: II 2 R
Constellation: Cyg
Data: mag 12.0v  size 3.5'
Position: RA 21:12.9  DEC +42:29
203X - A very faint fuzzy spot. 2 stars in the SW. A few twinkels in the spot.
More power is required. 

314X - Mostly a glowing spot with faint twinkeling haze and a few very faint
stars (15 mag or less) showing at the threshold for these observing
conditions. There is a stream of faint foreground stars running almost E-W
across the cluster. Just outside the cluster and near the 2 bright stars is a
faint upside down question mark asterism.
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