
(IAAC) Obj: NGC 2362 - Inst: TV-102 (102mm f/8.6 APO refractor)


Observation Poster: Ron B[ee] <ronby@cox.net>

Observer: Ron B[ee]
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 02/08/02 9:00pm PST
Location of site: 117h 9m W (Lat 32h 43m N, Elev 2000 ft.)
Site classification: Exurban
Sky darkness: 4.6 <Limiting magnitude>
Seeing: 6, lots of light pollution <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: TV-102 (102mm f/8.6 APO refractor)
Magnification: 30x, 73x, 110x
Object(s): NGC 2362
Category: Open cluster.
Constellation: CMa
Data: mag 4.1  size 8'
Position: RA :  DEC :
This is one open cluster **no photo** can ever match its beauty through the 
eyepiece!  A very, very pretty unique looking star cluster through my TV-102 
Light Cup.  Almost circular in shape with a bright mag 4.4 central star Tau 
Canis Majoris jumped out at me at 30x.  The OC is surrounded by about 10 pin 
pricked star.  These little stars gave an illusion of slight nebulosity around 
Tau.  A strong 3-D resemblance to looking at a small glass pebble with a bubble 
at the center and tiny little bubbles scatter around inside the pebble at this 
magnification.  Averted vision showed many more stars.  Resolved many more 
stars at 73x.  Now the OC gave a strong impression that Tau exploded and is 
spitting out stellar matter (those pin pricked surrounding stars).   About 30-
40 stars now.Immediately I noticed that Tau looked like a double star (no, it’s 
part of the cluster) with a very dim pin pricked “secondary”  (I estimate mag 
10 or 11).  Tau is white.  Still nice at 110x, but lost impact; the "secondary" 
does show better however.

Another view point is that at 30x and 73x, the OC looked a lot like a fully 
resolved GC.

I've added NGC 2362 as favorite OC into my Light Cup.

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