
(IAAC) Obj: STF 1084 - Inst: Celestar 8" SCT, fork mount


Observation Poster: William L. Schart <wschart@hot.rr.com>

Observer: William L. Schart
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 2/20/02 7:40pm CST
Location of site: Killeen, TX (Lat 31 07, Elev 600 ft)
Site classification: Suburban
Sky darkness: 4 <Limiting magnitude>
Seeing: 7 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: Minor - crescent or far from object
Instrument: Celestar 8" SCT, fork mount
Magnification: 78x, 120x, 200x
Filter(s): none
Object(s): STF 1084
Category: Multiple star.
Constellation: Mon
Data: mag 7.0-9.5,  size 13.3"
Position: RA 07:24  DEC -03:58
Wider spaced and more magnitude difference that its 
earlier teammate above, it was still easily split in the low power. I 
saw the primary as yellow with the secondary too faint for color.  While 
there are a far amount of other stars in the FOV, it was not a dense as 
the 1045 FOV. It did seemed to be outlined in sort of a triangle formed 
by some rows of stars, but there were gaps in this.
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