
(IAAC) Obj: NGC 3226, NGC 3227 - Inst: TV-102 (102mm f/8.6 APO refractor)


Observation Poster: Ron B[ee] <ronby@cox.net>

Observer: Ron B[ee]
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 02/08/02 9:00pm-12:30am PST
Location of site: 117h 9m W (Lat 32h 43m N, Elev 2000 ft.)
Site classification: Exurban
Sky darkness: 5.0 <Limiting magnitude>
Seeing: 5 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: TV-102 (102mm f/8.6 APO refractor)
Magnification: 22x, 30x, 73x, 110x, 146x, 220x
Filter(s): none
Object(s): NGC 3226, NGC 3227
Category: External galaxy.
Constellation: Leo
Data: mag 11.4/10.2  size 42" x 36"/6' x 4.6'
Position: RA :  DEC :
More light pollution than usual tonight.  I've classified this as "kissing 
galaxies" (being close to Valentine's Day and all).

Couldn’t see at 22x (40mm Pentax XL).  A dim tiny smoke when bright gamma 
Leonis is moved out of the FOV at 30x (30mm Ultima).  At 72x (12mm Radian),
two galaxies can be detected.  They lie in between star GSC 1423:45 and GSC 
1426:842.  At 110x (8mm Radian), definitely two elongated shapes more like a 
peanut, with brightening toward the center, especially with averted vision.  Definitely kissing.  Both seemed to be blinking in and out due to seeing.  Dim 
at 146x (6mm Radian) and too dim at 176x (5mm Radian).

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