
(IAAC) Obj: NGC 3166, NGC 3169 - Inst: TV-102 (102mm f/8.6 APO refractor)


Observation Poster: Ron B[ee] <ronby@cox.net>

Observer: Ron B[ee]
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 03/04/02 9:00pm-12:00am PST
Location of site: 117h 9m W (Lat 32h 43m N, Elev 2000 ft.)
Site classification: Exurban
Sky darkness: 5.2 <Limiting magnitude>
Seeing: 7 (light pollution from the west) <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: TV-102 (102mm f/8.6 APO refractor)
Magnification: 22x, 44x, 110x
Object(s): NGC 3166, NGC 3169
Category: External galaxy.
Constellation: Sex
Data: mag 10.6, 11.5  size 4.5' x 1.5', 4.4' x 2.8'
Position: RA :  DEC :
This pair is a stepping stone to star hop to Sextans B.

Detected at 22x.  At 44x, two very dim, tiny puff of smoke.  Better view at 73x, NGC 3166 seems to have a brighter stellar core.  Ghostly glow at 110x with two stellar cores now clearly seen.  These are a very small galaxies.
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