
(IAAC) Obj: NGC2440 - Inst: 56CM, f:4.1, StarMaster


Observation Poster: jim Anderson <madmoon@bellsouth.net>

Observer: jim Anderson
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 04062002/21:343EST
Location of site: Clark Creek, NC (Lat 35:35:53, Elev Sea Level)
Site classification: Rural
Sky darkness: 8/10 <1-10 Scale (10 best)>
Seeing: 7/10 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None - moon not in sky
Instrument: 56CM, f:4.1, StarMaster
Magnification: 120x, 220X
Filter(s): O-111
Object(s): NGC2440
Category: Planetary nebula.
Class: 5(3)
Constellation: Pup
Data: mag 11.5v  size 54.0" x 20.0"
Position: RA 07:41.9  DEC -18:13
120X- NGC2440 is a small oval with the center appearingn some brighter than the remainder of the disc.

220X The object has an oval mid shell with a tiny round void at the center and 
a fuzzy dim irregular shape that approximates a thick cross with about a 
45*-90*-45* configuratiion.  It is a fuzzy oval without the O-111 filter.
The O-111 filter greatly enhances the contrast and the center void thought
small is truly seen. The oval is the brightest with the crossed members being
just faint delicate whisps.  There is a concentric dual stream of stars arching
over the PNe. The western end of the arch terminates in a triple star group.
The 16.0v mag centeral star, although well within the capabilities of the 56CM,
was not detected. Research indicates that the C.S. is not at the center at all,
but just south of the central void.
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