
(IAAC) Obj: M51 - Inst: 10-inch, f/4.5, Dobsonian


Observation Poster: Mitchell Diers <deltacassopeiae@hotmail.com>

Observer: Mitchell Diers
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: April 19, 2002/21:15 PST
Location of site: Turlock, CA (Lat 120deg.50min, Elev 100ft.)
Site classification: Urban
Sky darkness: 7 <1-10 Scale (10 best)>
Seeing: 8 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: Minor - crescent or far from object
Instrument: 10-inch, f/4.5, Dobsonian
Magnification: 44x, 44x with 2x barrlow, 118x with 2x barrlow
Filter(s): None
Object(s): M51
Category: External galaxy.
Class: Quite faint
Constellation: Ursa Major
Data: mag 8  size 10'
Position: RA 13:27.8  DEC 47:27
44x-I could only see two distinct "stars" with faint glow around both of them.
44x w/2x Barrlow-Glow around both "stars" is brighter.  I can see some darker and brighter patches of glow around both "stars."
118 w/2x Barrlow-I can see more glow around both "stars," and see more dark and bright patches.  The brighter patches could have been spiral formation.

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